Plant Spaces in the digital era

In an increasingly digital world where resources and knowledge are becoming more and more decentralized, how are the ways in which we use space evolving?

How does decentralized knowledge help us congregate in more meaningful ways?

Plant Lab is founded by a decentralized community of plant lovers who saw the need for a physical space to get together in.

With today’s internet penetration, any plant enthusiast could pour over the internet endlessly, slowly accruing the information they need to progress in their plant journeys. There is now a much more powerful way to gather and share information - by congregating both online and offline, and as for offline - the place in Hong Kong to be for plant lovers is Plant Lab.

With the ever-increasing adoption of digital technologies (fueled by Web 2.0 and Web 3), the communities we build and the places we gather in to share knowledge is

Benefits of Leisure Activities such as plant care, inspired by ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Cal Newport:

Challenge Yourself

1. Demanding activities are more rewarding than passive ones. Leisure evokes images of reclining, relaxing, and putting your feet up. At the end of a long, tiring day, most people want nothing more than to zone out and have no commitments. While it can be helpful to do this occasionally, spending your free time this way often leaves you feeling more drained than rested. By contrast, dedicating your leisure time to demanding activities actually energizes you more than idly passing the time. When you learn a new skill or finish a task, it leaves you feeling uniquely proud and accomplished. The more energy you invest in your leisure, the more value you'll gain.

Make things for satisfaction

2. Humans get satisfaction and self-worth from making things with their hands. High-quality leisure includes craft-which entails using a skill to practice or create something. By this definition, crafts encompass building a DIY headboard as well as practicing a song on the guitar. Humans are driven to prove their self-worth, and when you create something, you end up with a finished product that you can point to as proof of your competence. Without concrete evidence of your ability, it's easy to resort to online platforms in search of validating likes and retweets.

Social Activity

3. In-person, structured social activities are rejuvenating. Certain leisure activities-like competitive games and sports-create an environment for supercharged socializing, where the people involved can interact more intensely than they would in normal conversations. For example, it would be inappropriate to talk trash, yell encouraging words at someone, or chest bump at a cocktail party, but these displays are encouraged when you're playing kickball with friends. You can find opportunities for this kind of social interaction in volunteer activities, recreational sports leagues, and group projects, such as building a local skating rink. Supercharged socializing is an energizing and rewarding way to spend your leisure time.

In the spirit of digital minimalism, there is a growing movement of people using technology to support leisure activities instead of relying on technology to be the activity. First, you can go online to find communities of people who share your interests so that you can connect with them in person. Second, if you're picking up a new skill or hobby, you can find detailed instructions, how-to videos, and sources for obscure materials and tools online.


Visiting our Plant Lab at Soho, Central