Community Vision

Join us for a Plant Swap Supporting Educational Programs!

Plant Science is hosting a community plant exchange event in collaboration with local plant enthusiasts, horticultural experts, gardeners, and farmers. This event provides an opportunity to exchange plant cuttings, seedlings, and established plants.

Event Purpose:

Proceeds from this event will directly seed the development and implementation of plant science and plant care education programs for international school students in Hong Kong. This initiative aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the natural world among the younger generation and foster responsible environmental stewardship.

Who Should Attend:

We welcome all members of the community with an interest in plants to participate in this meaningful event.

Additional Information:

Details regarding the event date, time, location, registration, and participation guidelines will be posted on this website soon.

Stay Tuned!

We look forward to sharing your passion for plants and supporting environmental education in Hong Kong.


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